Browse Items (2823 total)

Illustration of the minarets of the Sultan Qalaoun.

Call Number: NA2930 .H377 1939

Fein First Congregational  PA 2.jpg
Exterior of the First Congregational Church, Palo Alto.

Elevation for the Emanuel Sisterhood Residence, now the San Francisco Zen Center.

Maybeck First Chu Chri Sci 1.jpg
Exterior of First Church of Christ Scientist.

Maybeck first Chu Chri Sci 2.jpg
Exterior of the First Church of Christ Scientist.

Wurster Killen.jpg
Killen residence.

Eckbo Seventh Day 2.jpg
Drawing for the Camp Village at the Seventh Day Adventist Camp.

Model for the unrealized Church of the Holy Trinity

Marquis St Gregory 1.jpg
Proposal for the St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church and Community Center.
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