Suggested Reading


Alexander, Christopher, Murray Silverstein, and Sara Ishikawa, with Max Jacobsen, Ingrid Fiksdahl, Shlomo Angel. (1977). A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Chiu, Hsin-Hsien. (2012). Body-conscious design. La Vie Magazine, 101, p. 150-161. 

Comerio, Mary. (1998). Disaster Hits Home: New Policy for Urban Housing Recovery. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 

Comerio, Mary. (1984). Community design: Idealism and entrepreneurship. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 1(4), 227-243. 

Cooper, Clare C. (1975). Easter Hill Village: Some Social Implications of Design. New York, NY: The Free Press. 

Cranz, Galen and Michael Boland. (2004). Defining the sustainable park: A fifth model for urban parks. Landscape Journal, 23(2), 102-120. 

Cranz, Galen. (1982). The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 

Cranz, Galen. (2016). Ethnography for Designers.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Davis, Sam. (2004). Design for the Homeless: Architecture that Works. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.  

Ellis, Russell and Dana Cuff (Eds.). (1989). Architects' People. Oxford University Press.

Hester, Randolph. (1990). Community Design Primer. Mendocino, CA: Ridge Times Press. 

Lifchez, Raymond and Barbara Winslow. (1981). Design for Independent Living: The Environment and Physically Disabled People. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Lifchez, Raymond and Benjamin Clavan. (2005). Competing to learn: the Berkeley Prize and the social art of architecture. Places, 17(1), 64-71.

Lifchez, Raymond. (1979). The environment as a support system for independent living. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 60(10), 467-476.

Lindheim, Roz.  (1975).  Introduction.  In Social and Behavioral Factors in Architectural Education: Evaluation of a Training Program.  Berkeley, CA: College of Environmental Design.  

Lowell, W., Byrne, E., Frederick-Rothwell, B. (Eds.) (2009).  Design on the Edge: A Century of Teaching Architecture, 1903-2003. Berkeley, CA: College of Environmental Design.  

Lowell, Waverly, Carrie McDade, and Elizabeth Byrne (Eds). (2013). Landscape at Berkeley: The First Hundred Years. Berkeley, CA: College of Environmental Design.

Marcus, Clare Cooper and Marni Barnes. (1999). Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. New York: Wiley.

Marcus, Clare Cooper and Naomi Sachs. (2014). Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Marcus, Clare Cooper and Wendy Sarkissian. (1986). Housing as if People Mattered: Site Design Guidelines for Medium-Density Family Housing.  Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.  

Marcus, Clare Cooper. (2015). Environmental autobiography. Room One Thousand, Issue Two. Accessed from

Van der Ryn, Sim and Murray Silverstein. (1967). Dorms at Berkeley: An Environmental Analysis. Berkeley, CA: Center for Planning and Development Research, University of California. 

Woodbridge, Sally B. (2010). The College of Environmental Design in Wurster Hall, Frameworks, Spring 2010.  Accessed from

Wurster, Catherine Bauer. (1934). Modern Housing. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 

Wurster, William. (1948). Architectural Education, Journal of the AIA, June 1948, p. 34-36.